Floating vs Stable Nav Calculator
This calculator helps investors understand how the yield and net asset value (NAV) movement of floating NAV money funds vs. stable NAV money funds could impact returns.
Begin with your criteria
Input the investment amount
Investment Amount
Set the yields and NAVs
Stable NAV Money Market
Floating NAV Money Market
Select an allocation
Compare the total returns
Comparison of hypothetical allocations based on initial investment of $ 10,000,000
Investment Type | NAV Movement ($) | Income ($) | Total Return ($) |
Stable NAV money market | |||
Floating NAV money market | |||
Mix of stable and floating NAV |
Number of days to break even
- Days for a floating NAV to return to initial investment
- Days for a floating NAV to match the total return of a stable NAV investment
- Days for the allocation of floating and stable NAV to return to initial investment
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The Floating vs. Stable NAV Calculator is intended to serve as an educational tool and is for illustrative purposes only. The results are not guaranteed to be accurate and should not be relied upon or deemed as investment and/or tax advice. Your circumstances are unique, may change over time and may need to be adjusted. You should consult with a qualified professional to discuss your individual situation and determine how often you should reassess your situation. No record of this calculation or its results will be maintained.